Latest News

$5,650 (US Dollars)

Workhorse Economy Stretch Wrapper
Entry level stretch wrapper for the low volume user who simply needs to wrap pallets quickly, with convenience, at an affordable price.
Learn More Here
Used and Refurbished Pallet Stretch Wrappers
Used and refurbished pallet wrappers
Besides used stretch wrap equipment, we often have demonstration models available complete with full warranty at very low prices. These wrappers sell as soon as they become available so don't be afraid to Contact us or call us at 514 956 1525
A Guide to Purchasing Stretch Wrap Equipment
Ten reasons for using a stretch wrapper
We give you at last 10 Reasons To replace hand wrap with a Stretch Wrapper for your pallet wrapping applications
Learn more here
Are you meeting OSHA guidelines on pallet wrapping?
Learn here about safety
in pallet wrapping
Phoenix PHP-2100
Phoenix PLPA-2150 Portable Automatic Stretch Wrapper
Loaded with features, built like a tank, and aggressively priced. Definitely… BEST IN CLASS.
Learn more here
Effem Application
Cross country move requires major configuration redesign.
Learn more here






Once upon a time there was a bunch of guys that loved
designing, fabricating, and repairing wrapping equipment..

"Some say we are FAT (some of us) , DUMB (none of us) and HAPPY (all of us)
doing their own little thing."


The once upon a time story !

Once upon a time there was a bunch of guys that loved designing, fabricating, and repairing wrapping equipment. They had developed an approach to solving packaging problems and the equipment and services needed to fix these problems "come on we're techies not saints!!"

They would sit at the local watering hole after work and discuss solutions to the days packaging applications (in retrospect I guess we didn't have much of a life).

All of a sudden, a big bad corporate structure was forced upon them. Conform was the word. However, these guys just couldn't pretend to put the square peg in the round hole as requested.

Meanwhile, at the same watering hole, they decided they would start their own company using their "tech" approach to solve packaging problems (not smoke and mirrors). We would pay the bills by representing the manufacturer whose equipment solved problems. The sun would shine again and life would be good.

Today, these same techies continue to enjoy solving technical applications and selling their equipment and services (…"like I said we aren't saints"). They solve enough problems to pay the bills. Corporate suspenders and suits are not required.

They do not sell mops, copy paper or anything else but technical solutions. They answer ONLY to their customers. Some say they are FAT (some of us) , DUMB (none of us) and HAPPY (all of us) doing their own little thing. I guess so.

That is who we are!



If you are interested in one or more of our services please fell free to contact us here or call us at (514) 956 1525