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$5,650 (US Dollars)

Workhorse Economy Stretch Wrapper
Entry level stretch wrapper for the low volume user who simply needs to wrap pallets quickly, with convenience, at an affordable price.
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Used and Refurbished Pallet Stretch Wrappers
Used and refurbished pallet wrappers
Besides used stretch wrap equipment, we often have demonstration models available complete with full warranty at very low prices. These wrappers sell as soon as they become available so don't be afraid to Contact us or call us at 514 956 1525
A Guide to Purchasing Stretch Wrap Equipment
Ten reasons for using a stretch wrapper
We give you at last 10 Reasons To replace hand wrap with a Stretch Wrapper for your pallet wrapping applications
Learn more here
Are you meeting OSHA guidelines on pallet wrapping?
Learn here about safety
in pallet wrapping
Phoenix PHP-2100
Phoenix PLPA-2150 Portable Automatic Stretch Wrapper
Loaded with features, built like a tank, and aggressively priced. Definitely… BEST IN CLASS.
Learn more here
Effem Application
Cross country move requires major configuration redesign.
Learn more here






OSHA & Safety in Pallet Wrapping

Review OSHA stretch wrapping guidelines before making your pallet wrapping decision?

There is a right way and a wrong way to pallet wrapping. OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) has studied and identified potential hazards associated with stretch wrapping your pallet loads. With employee and product safety being critical to your company success, ensure you review and understand the pallet wrapping hazards outlined by OSHA. In identifying these wrapping hazards, OSHA has made suggestions for possible solutions to dealing with these packaging hazards, and we have detailed these below.
Pallet Wrapping Injuries

Please review this information to allow you to make the proper pallet wrapping decision. Knowing and understanding the hazards and risks OSHA has outlined will allow you to make a more informed and safer decision.

Hand wrapping pallets is an extremely difficult job if it is done correctly, and a common source of employee back injuries when performed incorrectly. Unfortunately, training for safe manual pallet wrapping is rarely available and is typically “on-the-job” training. Pallet WrappingThe human form is simply not designed to walk hunched over manipulating an 8-10 lbs weight, while also trying to pull enough tension into the film to hold the pallet load together. Then 20 seconds later you are holding the same roll of stretch film above your head to do the top of the pallet, again tugging on the film using only your back and arm muscles.

This arduous task put employees at risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). OSHA notes that many accidents and work related injuries are caused by hand wrapping pallets. The cost of these work related accidents are never considered until it is too late.

Keep your employees on the job while saving time and money.

The following information was produced by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and is available on their website ( ).

> OSHA & Safety in Pallet Wrapping
> OSHA: Potential hazards (and solutions) of pallet wrapping
> OSHA: Pallet wrapping case study