The on-line stretch wrapper (pallet wrapper) replacement part site
The most complete selection of pallet stretch wrapper parts available for purchase on the Web !!
CAPS is one of the largest providers of wholesale stretch wrapper replacement parts in the North American packaging industry. With our knowledge of the packaging equipment market, we are able to provide you replacement spare parts at a lower cost than going direct to the pallet wrapper manufacturer, GUARANTEED. Many of our customers are packaging equipment distributors who enjoy the rapid service and lower price from us, even though they have a discounted price from the stretch wrapper supplier!!
As a group of engineers who designed and installed stretch wrap equipment for years, we have great deal of experience with all makes of stretch wrappers including ITW Muller, Wulftec, Mima, Lantech, Cousins, Orion, Infrapak and others.
We understand that our customers can have a number of different models of stretch wrappers, that requires spare parts and service, and we have taken great pains to meet this requirement. In some cases, we fabricate improved versions, as the OEM component had design faults direct from the manufacturer. Our goal is to be able to be your single source for all of your spare parts needs. Are you repairing your stretch machine? What about a retrofit or upgrade to get it working like new! Log in and browse the break out drawings and data that help you select the right parts. You will realize that this truly the one-stop shop for all stretch wrapper (pallet wrapper) replacement parts. |